Agent one-on-one meetings are an amazing chance to pitch your book face-to-face with an agent, and get personal, individual feedback on your pitch/concept. If the agent likes your pitch, they’ll request to see part/all of your book — sending you straight past the slush pile. It also gives you an intimate chance to meet with an agent and pick their brain with any questions on your mind. To see where they will be participating, click click HERE for our updated conference event list.
To see a list of some of the agents who have signed writers from our conferences, see our growing success story list HERE.
Every writers conference we plan has a different agent faculty. During the past 9 years (2014-2023), we are honored to have agents and editors from the following agencies and publishing houses (among others) at our events:
To see a list of some of the agents who have signed writers from our conferences, see our growing success story list HERE.
Every writers conference we plan has a different agent faculty. During the past 9 years (2014-2023), we are honored to have agents and editors from the following agencies and publishing houses (among others) at our events:
- 3 Seas Literary
- Aevitas Creative Management
- The Ahearn Agency
- Albert Whitman & Company
- Amazon Publishing
- Andrea Brown Literary Agency
- Andy Ross Agency
- Annie Bomke Literary
- Apokedak Literary
- ArtHouse Literary
- The August Agency
- Azantian Literary
- Barone Literary
- Belcastro Agency
- Bent Agency
- Betsy Amster Literary
- Book Wyrm Literary
- The Book Group
- BookEnds Literary
- Books and Such
- Bond Literary
- Bradford Literary Agency
- Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
- Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
- Brower Literary
- Browne & Miller
- Capitol Talent Agency
- Carol Mann Agency
- Chalberg & Sussman
- Context Literary
- Cooke McDermid
- Copps Literary Services
- Crichton & Associates
- D4E0 Literary
- Dana Newman Literary
- Daniel Literary
- David Black Agency
- Deborah Harris Literary Agency
- Dee Mura Literary
- DeFiore & Company
- Don Congdon Associates
- Donaghy Literary Group
- Donald Maass Literary Agency
- Dunow, Carlson and Lerner
- Dystel,Goderich, and Bourret
- Emerald City Literary
- Entangled Publishing
- Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
- Falkin Literary
- Flannery Literary
- Fine Literary
- FinePrint Literary Management
- Firebrand Literary
- Flux
- Folio Literary
- Foundry Literary + Media
- Frances Collin Literary
- Fraser-Bub Literary
- Fresh Books, Inc.
- The Friedrich Agency
- Full Circle Literary
- Fuse Literary
- Gardner Literary
- Gersh Agency
- Global Lion Literary Management
- Go Literary
- Golden Wheat Literary
- Graywolf Press
- Greenhouse Literary
- Greyhaus Literary
- Handspun Literary
- Harold Ober Associates
- Hartline Literary
- Harvey Klinger
- Hawthorne Books
- Headwater Literary Management
- Holloway Literary
- Howard Morhaim Literary
- HSG Agency
- Inkwell Management
- Irene Goodman Literary Agency
- JABberwocky Literary
- Jane Rotrosen Agency
- Janklow & Nesbit
- Jean V Naggar Literary
- Jeff Herman Agency
- Jennifer De Chiara Literary
- Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency
- Ken Sherman & Associates
- Kensington Publishing
- Kirkland Media Management
- Kimberley Cameron & Associates
- Kneerim & Williams
- The Knight Agency
- Kt literary
- L. Perkins Associates
- LCS Literary
- LR Children's Literary
- Ladderbird Literary
- Lake Union Publishing
- The Lark Group
- Laura Dail Literary Agency
- Laura Gross Literary
- Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
- Linda Chester Literary Agency
- Literary Services, Inc.
- Liza Dawson Associates
- Lowenstein Associates
- MacGregor Literary
- Maria Carvainis Agency
- Marie Brown Associates
- Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
- Martin Literary Management
- Massie & McQuilkin Literary
- McBride Literary
- Metamorphosis Literary Agency
- Mighty Media Press
- Miller Bowers Griffin Literary
- Montlake
- Movable Type Management
- Natasha Kern Literary Agency
- Nelson Literary
- New Leaf Literary
- Olswanger Literary
- One Track Literary
- Pande Literary
- Park & Fine Literary
- Paul S. Levine Literary
- Prentis Literary
- Prospect Agency
- PS Literary
- Purcell Agency
- Rainbow Nerds Literary
- Raven Quill Literary
- Red Fox Literary
- Rees Literary
- Regal Hoffman & Associates
- The Robb Company
- The Rosenberg Group
- Ross Yoon Agency
- Ruben Pfeffer Content
- The Rudy Agency
- Running Press
- Salkind Literary
- Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
- Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
- Sarah Jane Freymann Literary
- Savvy Literary
- Serendipity Literary
- The Seymour Agency
- Sheldon Fogelman Agency
- Simon & Schuster Canada
- Skyhorse Publishing
- Sourcebooks
- SpencerHill Associates
- Speilburg Literary
- St. Martin's Press
- Sterling Lord Literistic
- Steve Laube Agency
- Stimola Literary Studio
- Stonesong
- Storm Literary
- Strachan Literary
- The Stringer Agency
- The Strothman Agency
- Talcott Notch Agency
- Tobias Literary Agency
- Transatlantic Agency
- Trellis Literary
- TriadaUS
- Trident Media
- United Talent Agency
- The Unter Agency
- Upstart Crow Literary
- Veritas Literary
- Vicky Bijur Literary
- Wales Literary
- Waterside
- Waxman Leavell Literary
- Weiner Literary
- Wendy Sherman Associates
- Westwood Creative Artists
- Williamson Literary
- Wordserve Literary
- Wordwise Media Services
- Writers House
- Zachary Shuster Harmsworth
- and more